My personal narrative is coming along... slowly. :) I’m really struggling with where to start and what to include. I love telling stories, but for some reason when I have to write them they just are not as fun! I also often find myself trying to think of big and impressive words to make the story sound better. Striking a balance between giving this paper my own voice and making the paper acceptable for my audience is difficult.
I’m also really struggling with how to wrap it all up. I know what I want to say, but I just don’t know how to say it right. I want to make sure that the purpose of my paper is clear without having to come right out and say it.
I am really excited to go to the writing lab and have someone read over my paper. I also can’t wait for Monday when we will be peer editing! I think that having another person read over my paper and critique it will help me get a better sense of what I need to do to improve it.
Writing has always been stressful for me, so it isn’t surprising that this paper hasn’t been a piece of cake. :) I have enjoyed thinking about my topic and remembering how it has changed me. I’m thankful that we get to start with a personal narrative, because writing about myself is a lot easier than critically analyzing or researching!
I am on the exact same page as you Brittany. In other words I don’t really know where to begin because my story is so legit but I don’t know how to make it sound cool like it is in my head. Also along the lines of the writing center I am also pretty excited to go there because back in the day I would never have anyone read my paper before I would turn it in and then I would fail horribly because it was either super akward or I just didn’t know how to put my thoughts into words. Best of luck to you